ANGIE & WEST – KEEPING IT FRESH AFTER THE NUPTIALS! Advice from one of our happy married couples!

Purple sweetheart table
Catch anyone in an honest moment, and they’ll tell you that their first experience with almost anything, good or bad, was unforgettable! There’s not one experience that I can think of which doesn’t leave an impact of some kind on a person, i.e., their first time behind the wheel of a car, their first kiss, their first love, etc., etc., etc. Unlike all the life experiences that came after, they never seem to stay in the past. You always remember most of those moments, and hopefully, with fondness. Naturally, the first wedding I planned and designed was no different! In fact, it was one of the best decisions of my entire life. It was a milestone moment that not only left me feeling that I could, but that I should become a wedding and event planner. It don’t hurt that I was fortunate enough to have Angie and Lemmuel as my first clients. Beautiful Angie, with a smile that lights up a room and Lemmuel, always the perfect gentleman! As we quickly approach their anniversary, it only made sense to revisit this amazing couple, who so positively impacted my life, for inspiration and advice to young newlyweds as we also re-visit her and her husband’s wedding through pictures.

The happy couple
According to some, couples usually start taking each other for granted three and a half years into their marriage. It seems like once the honeymoon period is over, couples often let bad habits take over and forget to go the extra mile to make each other happy. To help our recently-wedded couples avoid those pitfalls and to ensure that their relationship remains strong after the nuptials, we asked Angie to share some of her best advice for newlyweds to keeping love fresh in the first few years.

From this day forward…
Don’t Stop Dating Each Other – Keep Date Nights on the Calendar
We can’t stress this enough. Spending time together, just the two of you, is of utmost importance. As the duties of everyday life inevitably become part of your routine, don’t forget to remember how it all started, from your first date to the day you got engaged, all the way to the honeymoon. Having at least one night together during the week where you are celebrating your love will help keep your love alive and help to keep it blossoming.

wedding jewelry
Listen and Communicate
Talk kindly to one another and listen intently. Fights can easily start because one party isn’t living up to the other’s certain expectations. Talk through those tough moments. Your spouse is not a mind reader. Put down your cell phones and find time together where you can communicate without interruption. It doesn’t have to be about the hard stuff all the time—just talk about what you did that day. Ask about work. Dream about the future together.

Carroll Baldwin Memorial Hall, Savage MD

Angie entering Carroll Baldwin Memorial Hall with her son
Love Each Other Through All of the Changes
You both are going to go through a lot of changes, which can be stressful on everyone. Be mindful of that. You’ll be figuring out your routine together, and that can get a little bumpy. Pick your battles and remember to be grateful for all your partner does and forgiving even when it may not be easy for you.
Live Your Vows
Even if you haven’t officially said your vows to one another yet, practice living them every day leading up to “I do.” When you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember what the words really mean, and commit yourself to the promises you intend to make or have made.
Angie and West taking their vows.
Choose Your Battles
Sometimes you just need to breathe and carry on. Communication. Communication. Communication!
Never Belittle Your Spouse
Always have each other’s back in public. Have all the disagreements people normally do but let the world know you two are best friends.

The happy family!
Don’t Fix the Bad – Increase the Good
Look at your spouse as something you purchased “as-is.” Research shows trying to change them does not work!
Relationship improvement attempts focused on changing the partner rarely works. Results suggest that targeting the partner may do more harm than good.

Glamorous purple, ivory, and black wedding inspiration

Carroll Baldwin Memorial Hall was built in 1921-22 to honor the life of Carroll Baldwin, the beloved supervisor of Savage Mill until his death in 1918.
There is so much good advice out there for newlyweds. If you’re married, please share how you keep your marriage strong. I would love to hear from you! And remember Butterflies, happy marriages are based on a deep friendship, mutual respect and enjoyment of each other’s company!