Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction. Author unknown
Do you ever get the itch to change things up in your life? I do, pretty much all the time. I have the shiny object syndrome of most creative spirits. I constantly change my surroundings to change what inspires me, to change the direction of my life, and I’m very much open to change when my heart and mind tells me it’s time. Time to learn new things, time to evolve – as a person. Which can at times make managing a business as a creativepreneur even more challenging. However, if I want to continue loving what I do, I’ve begun to realize that change needs to occur. We all need to change direction every once in a while, some more so than others.

Time to learn new things, time to evolve – as a person.

Live and exist in this very moment and don’t be afraid to follow your intuition, chase your dreams, and fight for your happiness.
There was a time, in my younger years, when I was not always opened to the possibility of change. In hindsight, however, I’m certain it resulted in many loss opportunities and stunted growth. But as they say, the best part of life’s journey is who you get to share its lessons with. So, I take this moment to share these words with you. Changing your life direction does need a moment of reflection; ask yourself what you’re doing with your life and take time to reflect on where you are at and where you are headed. Reflecting and meditating can provide a catalyst for change that stirs your heart, mind and soul.
Change is never easy. You have to have the spirit and gusto to make moves and change direction. However, know that doors will open if you keep moving forward. Become a lifelong student, and develop skills and learn from those around you wherever you go. Be curious, not cautious, and question everything. You’ll never have a clue what’s going to come your way and you can’t plan the future, so follow your interests and just keep moving forward.

I constantly change my surroundings to change what inspires me, to change the direction of my life, and I’m very much open to change when my heart and mind tells me it’s time.
Don’t worry about failing. You learn much more from your failures than you ever do from your successes. You can’t move forward if you’re afraid to make a mistake, or give too much power into what other people think, so admit and embrace your fears as you face them head on.

Remember that today will never exist again… so make the most of and make it count!

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!
Remember that today will never exist again… so make the most of and make it count! Live and exist in this very moment and don’t be afraid to follow your intuition, chase your dreams, and fight for your happiness. You are the only one that gets to live your life, so don’t give up control to your fears or other’s expectations. The power to change your life direction lies directly in your hands — so live the life you’ve imagined Butterflies! Don’t be afraid of change. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!